Thursday, April 27, 2017

juvinil justice act 2015


Juvenile Justice Act 20151. Applicable to Juvenile Justice Act 15 January 20162. This Act provides Chapter-10 and Section-112.3 chapters as follows-

1. Initial-

Child Protection and Safety Theory

3 juvenile judicial board

Process in relation to children who violate the law

Child Welfare Committee

6 Procedure for the needy children for supervision and protection

7 Rehabilitation and reconstruction in society

Adoption 8

9 Other crimes against children

10 horizontal4 of the Juvenile Justice Act 2016 is No. 2 of the Act.5 This Act was enacted on December 31, 2015.

Chapter 1 Initial1. Short title - Juvenile Justice (Child Protection and Protection) Act 2015

Extension- Except for the state of Jammu and Kashmir, entire India

Applied - January 15, 2016

The provisions of this Act will be applicable to the children who violate the needy children and the law of protection and protection.2 Important Definitions-

1. Abandoned child-who may be declared abandoned by the committee.

2. Adoption-adoptive child is permanently separated from his biological parents and all the officers are given to the adoptive parents, so that the child becomes the biological child of the adoptive mother.

3 Adoption Regulation - Notified notified in connection with adoption by the Central Government.

4 Administrator - The officer of the following low line from Deputy Secretary, who was given the power of magistrate.

6 Authorized Foreign Adoption Agency - To adopt adoption of a child from India by foreign parents

7th Authority-Central Adoption Source Authorization

10 Board - Juvenile Justice Board

12 children - under 18 years of age

13 The child who violated the law did not complete the age of 18 on the date of the crime.

14 The needy children of supervision and protection, who do not have access to home or residence or livelihood, begging children, exploitation or misbehaved children, children with fatal and incurable diseases, who have no one to look after, or their Parents are unable to supervise the guard. Armed conflicts suffer from civil unrest or natural calamity or affected.

17 Child Welfare Officer - Any officer attached to the balcony

18 Child Welfare Police Officer - Assistant Sub-Inspector Level Officer in Police Station

19 Child Home-State Government Registered Children's Home for Children

20 Children's Court-Child Rights Protection Commission Act 2005 or any special court established under the Protection of Child Protection Act from Sexual Offenses, which will be the jurisdiction of the sessions court.

21 Child Monitoring Institution- Child Welfare Open Shelter, Contact Home, Special Home, Safety Location, Expert Adoption Agency, or any recognized organization.

22 Committee - Child Welfare Committee

Court of 23- Civil Court, District Court, Family Court, City Civil Court

25 Child Services - 24 Hours Emergency Service for Children.

26 District Child Protection Unit - The Child Protection Unit, established by the State Government.

30 to keep the child for nutrition care by the spouse Kutumb-District Child Protection Unit.

31 Patrons-Naturally conservative or committee or board has been recognized as guardian during the proceedings.

33 heinous crimes - imprisonment of 7 years or more in the Indian Penal Code or any other law

34 Inter-national Adoption Adoption - The adoption of a child by the NRI or foreigner is intended.

35 teenager-boy under the age of 18

38 NRIs - Indian passports and have been living abroad for more than one year.

40 Communication Planets - Established by the State Government

41 Open Shelter- The registered facility system is established by the state government or by voluntary or non-governmental organization.

42 orphans - whose biological or adoptive parents or legal guardians are not.

45 small offenses - Indian Penal Code or any other law imprisonment upto 3 years

46 Safe location: The police are not detained or jailed.

48 Probation Officers - State Election Officer, probation officer appointed under the District Child Protection Unit, by the State Government.

52 Relative-uncle's uncle, aunt, maternal uncle, grandmother, grandfather, mother-grandmother

54 Criminal Offenses - Offenses of imprisonment from 3 years to 7 years

55 Special Kishore Police Units -

56. Registered institution for children who violate special home-law.

60 surrendered children - such a child who has been promoted by the parents, guardians due to physical, emotional and social factors.

Chapter 2

Simple Principles of Child Protection and Safety

Chapter 3

Juvenile judicial board4. Juvenile Justice Board - 1. The State Government will establish one or more juvenile justice boards in each district to use force in respect of children who violate the law.

2. A great on board

punishment of ipc
