To be presented before the committee
For any supervision of any person, such as Police Officer, Special Kishore Police Unit, or under the Child Welfare Police Officer or any officer of the District Child Welfare Unit or Labor Inspector, Public Servant, Child Services or any Voluntary NGO or any agency, child welfare officer, or probation officer, any social worker The child will be presented to the child welfare committee within 24 hours by Rick, the child himself, by the manager of the nurse, doctor, nursing home, hospital, or maternity planet.
Reporting essentially the child found to be the guardian:
Any person, police officer, or any employee of any organization or nursing home or hospital or maternity home, appears to be abandoned or lost child, related services, nearest police station, child welfare committee, or district child protection unit Will give notice.
If a person does not report to the child welfare committee regarding abandoned or lost child, then he will be treated as a crime. For the offense, the penalty will be 6 months or Rs. 10000 / -.
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